Saturday, November 07, 2020

What A Joe Biden Presidency Means!

Joe Biden if he wins- we will have a shutdown economy- for an indefinite amount of time. He's pushing mask mandates with no exemptions meaning the job losses of all those who are exempt because we would rather be hobos than die or betray our faith.

A Joe Biden Presidency we can look forward to A Great Depression, Riots, Mob Rule, Mobs killing more of us, Christians, Muslims, Jews all being forced out of our religions- them asking us to reject our religion for their woke ideology. WE WILL HAVE THE HONOR OF BEING POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS PRISONERS! We can look forward to being blacklisted from jobs, gaining homelessness, becoming hobos for freedom, a divided and a war waged on us because we are their political enemies, we can look forward to child trafficking being ignored as they call any of that a conspiracy theory. They will force masks on us, while in indefinite lockdown. Then we can look forward to our tongues being cut out of our mouths!

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