Sunday, November 29, 2020

Legacy Media Controlled The Election of 2020 - Suicides Rise Under COVID-1984 | Liberty Bites Back - Ep. 13

The Corporate Pressitutes as they gaslight their viewers, lie to their viewers, and change the subject to nonsense, for their viewers.

They controlled the narrative and got the result they wanted! That's why they instantly called it for Joe Biden- while we are now seeing the Electoral College Court play by Donald Trump coming to the final bell- it could change it all.

A Voting Machine Company that is tied to our Election in 2020- has seen one of their directors leave the business to join Joe Biden's Transition Team- while many Fact-Check websites say it is fake news because they say people are saying he was the director of Dominion- it's not fake at all- but the company in question is Smartmatic!

While spending online is surging 21% in this year- Black Friday has seen a steep fall of the box stores sales fell 52.1% compared with last year. As they all see a drop in box stores- the online market seeing a rise in 21% - it's clear the main corporate entities are the ones rising due to the COVID-19 scare induced market at the moment.

Sad News is seen in Japan at the moment as Suicides are now exceeding the deaths of COVID-19.

Speaking of Suicide- it's clear to see that this year has not created more deaths of Grandma and Grandpas as the death rate is the same as all previous years. So the lie that you'd kill Grandma and Grandpa is exposed as what it is- no more deaths than any-other year but instead many counts are down for pneumonia, heart disease, and flu affiliated deaths. Replaced and matched the deaths of COVID-19.

In Canada though- one grandmother decided the threat of another COVID-19 lockdown is enough for her to kill herself. Nobody stopped, nobody caused her death, but she choose to take her life to escape the dystopia of this year!


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