We The People - we saw our businesses, our cities, our homes, our apartments, our property! All of it destroyed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter! Almost a full year of watching riots, burning cities, and people protesting and harming their own neighbors!
That's what We The People saw in 2020! The Media said while the riots and cities burned down- said it was peaceful along with corporations and the congress house! Who's house is it? It's our house! All of our politicians they are sold out to lobbyists! We the People are not represented! We the people are not who our politicians care about! They are bought and sold by their lobbyists! They see businesses as a person and are changing We The People to We The Corporations and aligning with them! These sick and twisted lobbyist sellouts!
Antifa and Black Lives Matter barely targeted Government Buildings- instead they destroyed businesses and cities whole! They ruined the livelihood of neighborhoods! Our Politicians cheered and the city burned down!
During this- the Lobbyist Sold Politicians forced us under Martial Law and stole our human rights! Muzzling us all! Destroying our economy! Destroying our lives!
All scared over a virus with a 99.9% Survival Rate! Destroying our Constitutional Republic! Any hope of ending the Tyranny was Donald Trump- but it fell as voter fraud inflicted the 2020 Election!
With that all said- approached January 6, 2021. It was a Historic Day in Washington D.C. - bound to be remembered in different ways- by many people!
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