Over the Year of 2020 - under the guise of COVID-1984 we seen the fall of our human rights in America- the fall of our liberties in total, and now the Lobbyists and the Corporations have influenced our Politicians to shut up while the Corporations take away our Free Speech!
You think you're allowed to speak your mind? As a freeman and a freewoman, we still naturally have the right- but they are not recognizing our Human Rights anymore!
Since 2001- under the Patriot Act- being 6 years old- in Kindergarten- I saw the government take my liberties and freedoms away and never before would I have thought it would get more authoritarian until 2020 hit the country!
Now under Joe Biden, we can expect more and more liberties and rights to be taken away from We The People- the corporate overlords that have been giving and subverting our Nation through the legalized way to steal our Representatives and instead make them represent the lobbyists!
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