Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Capitol | It Is Not The People's House Any Longer - It Is The Corporations' & Lobbyists' House!

What happens when We The People go into the People's House? Well I tell you what!

They demonize, and call you names! That was shown! That was fact for decades now!

The Capitol was the People's House but they have sold us out, everyone must understand that! The People are barred from the Capitol- they have put hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground- because Joe Biden is gonna become President and nobody likes him at all! We are pissed that we are in a country that is a tyranny with a full pledged Tyrant taking over!

But the Corporations and the Lobbyists are invited to and allowed in the Capitol to destroy our country! This is an atrocity! If we show up- we are rioters! But if they show up- they get protection! These are sick elites that have subverted and are an established way of Globalist Insurrection that is destroying our Constitutional Republic!

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