Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Corporate Press Stole The Election 2020 | While They Allow Politicians' Families To Become Wealthy

The Corporate Pressitutes as they gaslight their viewers, lie to their viewers, and change the subject to nonsense, for their viewers.

They controlled the narrative and got the result they wanted! That's why they instantly called it for Joe Biden- while we are now seeing the Electoral College Court play by Donald Trump coming to the final bell- it could change it all.

It's something to see this one Survey that was done about the Hunter Biden scandal. Where it was exposed he's a middle man, to help get Chinese and Ukrainian money to his father as Joe Biden acts similar to a foreign national spy. If it would have been exposed of Joe Biden's money being made- along with Hunter Biden getting all his credit for every job he had because he was a Biden and ultimately it was always decided to be him because of his Father. We now see a glimpse of the horrors the politicians in our country push their family into- they are pushing their family members into more wealth than all of us combined- as they are allowed to smoke crack and do drugs galore- get prostitutes and get weird with random people- as many normal people are arrested daily for their actions of doing the same. They are creating a new class of people in the nation- an Ultra Elite Rich Class of the Politicians' Family Members.

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