Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Electors Cast DUELING Votes For Donald Trump Challenging Joe Biden's Win In Election 2020 | Judge Orders Release Of Dominion Voting Machine Report

Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada now have dueling electoral votes as GOP members cast their votes for Trump citing ongoing legal challenges.

The precedent is 1960 when Richard Nixon was declared the winner in Hawaii while legal challenges were ongoing. Eventually after a recount it turned out that JFK had won and thus the dueling electors were sent to congress to be counted. Nixon as VP disregarded the GOP votes even though they had been signed by the Governor.

While its still a long shot beyond long shots there is a possibility that Republicans in the Senate choose to count the GOP votes and ignore the Democrat votes causing a dispute which results in Biden not reaching 270 and Trump winning reelection.

Judge Orders Release Of Dominion Voting Machine Report Saying Machines INTENTIONALLY FLIPPING VOTES

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