Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Roving Gangs SMASH Medical SUV in NYC, Rats EAT Pigeons, Squirrels BITING People, NYC Is A WASTELAND!

"Robots Don't Spread Germs" They Will Say As They Try To Replace Us!

The COVID-1984 Martial Law in many countries are pushing for more smart styled communities where we never touch anything again. This would allow governments to store our voice information, governments to store our facial recognition information, governments to control the grid of everything! 

This in itself is a dystopian future in the works! But the corporate world is even going to mess up our lives even more! They are stylizing any gimmick for the COVID-1984 Martial Law. Many firing workers who have exemptions or even refuse to mask themselves as they keep the masked sheep. They now sell this atrocity as a Slogan- "All Employees Wear Masks". The question is how far will they go? All humans are covered in germs. Germs live on us all. Many are beneficial to us. Some of our germs may not mix well with other people though.

We are a creation to always spread germs, no matter what! For even our skin is covered in germs! Many may be different germs than what you think, but it's always a fact. 

The new slogan of the future- will it be "Robots Don't Spread Germs". The marketing ploy of the Robots taking over our jobs? As the corporations will save millions by replacing us?

GOP Report Says 200k MORE Votes Than Voters In Pennsylvania Questioning Election | Republican Senator Hawley CONFIRMS Electoral Vote Objection | Joe Biden's Election WILL be Contested

The analyses claims that of the total registered voters who cast votes 202,000 more ballots were counted. Democrats responded by saying that the data is incomplete and that Republicans are wrong. But this is a propaganda war and none of it seems to matter.

The only real outcome seems to be generating support for one side or the other. So long as corporate media is against Trump it doesn't seem that it will have a big enough impact to change anything.

My Normal Is Not Your Psychotic New Normal!

My Normal is a world free of masks, free of faceshields, and free of any sort of face covering. This is the standard in any non-Muslim country as well as a bit of other cultures. The American way is a singular individualist thought-line of my way or the highway and that highway is a metaphor for the herd- the herd of sheep following the masses!

My Normal defends and saves the weak, the poor, the ill, and the people to keep all their human rights! The Mainstream Media, The Legacy Media, the Corporate Presstitutes', whatever you may want me to call them!

Their idea of a New Normal is nothing but psychotic- the comedic ideas of Monk on USA Television! That's their ideas! Their whole ideas rely on the phrase- "What would Monk Do?"

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

People Are SNAPPING, Viral Videos Show People REFUSING To Comply With Lockdowns, Militia Says ENOUGH

The COVID-1984 Martial Law is now being FOUGHT AGAINST IN AMERICA! Many people are following the orders and are becoming aggressive against the maskless. But more and more people are becoming maskless!


If they wanna or are made to muzzle us for hours! Creating the flehm in our throats! Making us hack up nasty due to the face shield or facemask! Creating circumstances of acme, gingivitis, rashes, and sores on our skin! That in itself is against our health! It is not for our health! And the Government is forcing them to do this, they listen to the media and think COVID-19 is dangerous, or they just want you to wear a mask due to this bull! They all think it's a hazard to humans! Having us work! They believe it is hazardous!

Democrats Are Set TO LOSE Georgia Runoff Despite Trump Supporter Anger At Republican Elites

Polls currently show a neck and neck race that could go either way but with the polls historical failure it seems that they will likely underestimate Republican turn out once again. But there is a wild card factor Trump challenging the election Many Trump supporters feel betrayed by the Republican party and others will be traveling on January 5th to DC to support Trump.

If Trump supporters are the secret weapon for Republicans and they don't turn out than maybe the polls are on point this time around and the GOP will actually lose the senate to Democrats giving them control of all 3 branches of government, assuming they pack the Supreme Court.


In this episode I will be going over solutions to the tyranny of COVID-19! Solutions to the Muzzle Mandates! Solutions to the Lockdown Mandates! Solutions to the New Normal!

COVID-19 Panic And Leftist Defectors Could Mean THE END For Pelosi, GOP Could WIN House Speakership

Pelosi is on thin ice already facing a populist revolt from the left, with COVID-19 fears some Democrats may not be able to vote and she could lose.

Republicans of course are already facing their own internal struggle as the GOP turns on Trump.

Democrats Prove They Love Globalist Corporate Communism | They Give You $600 - As Corporations, Banks, and Foreign Countries Get Millions Of Dollars!

Donald Trump in October said the COVID-19 Relief would not get signed unless it was $2,000 each citizen and $4,000 each married couple.

The Globalist Corporate Communists called Democrats in America instead gave big amounts of money to Corporations and other Countries- leaving We The People with scraps of $600 each and $1,200 for married couple.

They use Joe Biden as the reason why, as he endorsed and pushed the Globalist Corporate Communist bill.


Trump Supporters Plan MASSIVE Protest In DC During Electoral Vote Count

Tattle Tellers - The Future Of 2021

Joe Biden got a disease and resigned. Kamala Harris watch her bots kill the maskless. Now the people themselves turn on others! (Satire)

TikTok Nurses Are Not Heroes! THEY DANCE ON GRAVES!

 TikTok Dancing Nurses MOCKING US, Like Dancing At A Funeral, Dr. Fauci Admits To LYING AGAIN!

Friday, December 25, 2020


NHS in Britain has created an ad showing Santa Sick with COVID-19. Showing the real heroes wear face masks. Britain is known for their propaganda, so it's not unheard for this. 

Apologies were never even given with the atrocity- instead they doubled down!

Why Are Hospital Workers So Afraid Of The Vaccine?

Across the country hospital administrators are facing unexpected push-back from employees on the issue of the covid vaccine. More and more are refusing to take it, with at least one hospital CEO mentioning "mistrust" and fear. Why? Also today, poor Dr. Birx has had her feelings hurt over her family Thanksgiving trip. US has record deaths in 2020? San Francisco's record overdoses. 

All Mascots Will Be White - Because The Democrats Are Racist!

The Minnesota Vikings- they're allowed and are considered Politically Correct even though they raped, pillaged and murdered people everywhere. Any Team Mascot with a Pirate is swell- but again murder and rape are associated with their lives! Also both are in the majority White Folk.

Off of sports even- food is keeping all White Mascots but is banning and removing any Black Mascots along with Native- erasing even the references of Natives, Blacks, Latinos, and such! I am a Native- in Ohio even. Right now it's clear that after 2021- the Cleveland Indians are getting rid of Chief Wahoo.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Democrat Loser DEMANDS Election Be Overturned Exposing Hypocrisy | It's Wrong For Trump But NOT Democrats?

Refusing to concede Iowa Democrat Rita Hart has filed a legal challenge in attempt to overturn the results which have already been certified for the Republican.

This is basically the same thing Trump is doing but some of the same Democrats supporting this effort are critical of Trump filing these lawsuits.

Martial Law In America | COVID-1984

Statism is of course always criticized among people. Founding fathers stating that it is a necessary evil. The fact a government in charge of your country- whether they come in contact with regulating your life; always leads to wondering if they will try to regulate your life completely.

Right now for over a hundred years and more- a government has been regulating and controlling parts of our lives at least. In 2020- like never seen before except in San Francisco during the Spanish Flu- governments; locally, state, and nationally are pushing for authoritarian measures on all citizens or their citizens! Regulating our whole lives at least in a local and state jurisdiction- but the jurisdiction does not Constitutionally exist for these measures!

Without the Constitution- we still have the argument of them violating our human rights!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Democrats Voted To Restrict The Insurrection Act | Stopping Donald Trump From Using It! | AS ELECTION FRAUD HEATS UP!

Democrats Voted To Restrict The Insurrection Act, Stopping Trump From Using It But Trump CAN Veto it!

While Congress Pushes COVID-19 Relief For The Rest Of The World - Ignoring Who They Represent | Donald Trump Says Individuals Need $2,000 NOT THE RIDICULOUS LOW $600!

Donald Trump’s Response to COVID-19 Relief Bill Causes Internet to Absolutely EXPLODE!

Human Rights Are In Jeopardy | Communicate & Protest COVID-1984!

Stay humble, stay individual, stay yourself, and stay a free man and free woman. Communicate and live life- even in civil disobedience!

Thrills will be found these days- sneaking around. Being the real change! Going back to normalcy! Doing it yourself! If we all did, this would end!

There are many that will become an arm of the state- as a spy. This is clear these days. Civilian Spies are being set up under COVID-19. Health Departments- even rely on these spies. Cities, the mayors, the governors. They are having stores and places you are the customer in also in the way against your human rights.

The Authoritarians are showing their real selves right now!

Pence Meeting With GOP Objectors Signals Electoral Vote REVOLT January 6th, Trump Says Its NOT OVER

Fifteen house members joined Donald Trump and Mike Pence in a strategy meeting about objecting to the electoral vote count.

Republicans insist that they have Senators on board and will get their objections heard but to actually overturn electoral college votes they would need the House Democrats to agree. This is beyond unlikely to happen.

But what if Mike Pence refuses to count the votes due to electoral challenges? What if some states insist "dueling" electors are legitimate.

While in all likelihood Biden will win January 6th, Trump and his supporters are not backing down.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Massively Insulting and Pointless 600 Dollar Stimulus Check | DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS HATE ALL AMERICANS! THEY WANT US TO SHUT UP FOR $600???

Each American gets $600 - but in what was the Budget Plan which connected COVID Relief because everyone knew they would pay for their own salaries and therefore it wouldn't pass without it tied to it.

While Americans get $600 each- Millions and Billions are dollars are going towards Globalist Socialism! Even CORPORATIONS ARE RECEIVING TONS OF MONEY- SHOWING THAT THE LOBBYISTS ARE IN CONTROL. WE THE PEOPLE GET SCRAPS! They say Americans can only get $600 but they give other countries more money than We The People!

Cenk Uygur Proves HIMSELF Wrong In His Own Article | Progressives FURIOUS As Cenk Protects Pelosi

Cenk Uygur writes "Three Americas : We Can't Agree On Anything." which has true points made- but is clearly on his side of the worldview- calling all other worldviews "fake news". Why nobody can actually agree.

Ohio G̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶o̶r̶ Dictator Mike DeWine Wants To Cause More Economic Issues! | OHIO IS IN MARTIAL LAW & THE GOVERNOR WANTS TO DESTROY THE ECONOMY!

Governor DeWine in Ohio has created a new Police Unit for Businesses and the Mask Mandate. Threatening stores- bringing divisions to Stores, Restaurants, and such and their customers.

Ohio officials issued warnings to 35 retail stores this past week for not following face mask and social distancing requirements.

Right Wing Protesters STORM Oregon Capitol Building Calling For Democrat Governor's Arrest | As Dr Birx Violates COVID-19 Lockdown Placing Rage In All Americans!

Police beat back and sprayed right wing and Trump supporting protesters as people called them out for breaking their oath to the US Constitution.

COVID-19 restrictions are set to get worse as a new mutant strain is reporting in several countries. As Trump supporters and right wing groups express outrage over the lockdowns and the destruction of the economy it seems that soon we may see some agreement between Conservatives and far left Antifa. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Democrats Now Claiming McConnell Won Due To Fraud | Clear Double Standard But We Should Demand An Audit! | NOBODY TRUSTS ELECTION 2020

Democrats are stating Election Votes are not adding up in the Election 2020.

SEASON'S GRIEVINGS - Santa's Sick? We Are In COVID-1984 Martial Law!

In this episode I will be going over the Human Rights violation of the American Citizens, NHS creating an ad of Santa sick with COVID-19, & Martial Law in America! COVID-1984 has created the mess of this all! This mixture of a Chinese Virus that was spread here by Democrat States- weird they all also love China… While now local governments are falling into pure tyrants!

California Governor Newsom Faces REMOVAL From Office As People Flee California!

So far 844,000 people have signed a petition demanding a special election to remove Gavin Newsom from office.

The state has already been in disarray as we saw the return of medieval diseases well before COVID.

But the rules for thee but not for me Democrat style of ruling has caused massive outrage among republicans in the state. Trump supporters are leading the charge but it isn't only Trump supporters angry.

Middle class people are fleeing California in droves proving the Democratic party has failed and their policies don't work.

Democrats Are Dehumanizing Trump Supporters!

The Second World War- America infamously created the Japanese in propaganda as rats. This dehumanizing form of representing people was talked against for years. No calling people rats, no calling people cockroaches, no calling people insects or pests. They equalize it to the Nazis and the deplorables announced by Hitler. The misfits, the Jews, the slow, the Gypsies, and such! Remember all that! Now realize the Democrats are calling Donald Trump supporters- RATS! Demonizing Trump Supporters as exactly the same thing you call Demonizing and Evil! Same exact thing Americans called the Japanese is now the image of the Republicans to the Democrats!

Donald Trump Calls On Supporters For "Wild" Protest Of Electoral Count In Washington DC | Alex Jones Says TEN MILLION Will Protest January 6th In Washington DC

The joint session of congress will be the final move in the electoral process and the last chance to make a constitutional challenge to the vote count.

Democrats are worried that without Donald Trump right wing groups will go nuts and rampage like Antifa, but that clearly makes no sense.

Trump supporters and right wing groups are much better organized and more hierarchical.

But its not just the right and conservatives ready for action. Antifa and the far left is furious over a pathetic stimulus bill and are already calling for a general strike, which is meaningless when people are already out of work nationwide.

But the anger from the populist left and right is here and both groups are fed up with the establishment democrats and republican elites.

Kamala Harris - The Future Of 2021

What would happen if Joe Biden got some disease and resigned- leaving Kamala Harris as the U.S. President?

An Arizona County Defied Their Judge Ordered Subpoenas About The 'Election 2020 Case'! America Falls into Political War And The Democrats Are Playing Dirty In The Election!

Maricopa County in Arizona Defied Their Judge Ordered Subpoenas To Seize Their Voting Machines.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

In France; Your Armpits Will Be Used Against You! | COVID-1984

In America, while a drug dog is thought as something built and will bite hard- the bark we know is a trained way of getting around Search Warrants than being reality. But still- they are used to alert of things in the world. In France the dogs are now being used to accuse people of having COVID-19.

They will smell the armpits of the French People to decide their future. Their lives are in the paws of dogs! Their liberties in the paws of dogs! The French people will be revolting!

New York Times Article Says DONT Give Elderly Vaccine, They Are White And Should Die To Level The Playing Field

Either way you look at the left's argument- IT'S RACIST!

Mysterious Death of Vaccine Safety Advocate Brandy Vaughn & C0VlD-1984 Censorship with Dr. Scott Jensen

Mysterious Death of Vaccine Safety Advocate Brandy Vaughn, Plus C0VlD Censorship with Dr. Scott Jensen.

Joe Biden's Transition Halted By Pentagon | VA Senator Calls For MARTIAL LAW, Says Democrats Committed Treason, Flynn Says Trump COULD Do It

Democrats FURIOUS After Trump Admin Stops Biden Transition Briefings Amin Report Of MAJOR Hack On US. Trump's acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller halted the briefings unexpectedly.

Democrats are furious saying there was no plan or mutually agreed upon stoppage of these briefings and that they must continue in the midst of a report of a major cyber attack against the US.

But we are also getting reports that DNI Ratcliffe says that foreign interference did occur in the US election.

Could this be the hail mary final play Trump supporters and republicans hoped for, that Trump will invoke executive power over foreign interference and somehow stop joe Biden from winning the presidency?

Or is it just a pipe dream, one last tantrum from the outgoi8ng administration.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Legacy Media Lies : Joe Biden The Anti-Christ Is Considered A Christian Man?

Joe Biden has pushed war, death, abortion, and everything against Christian principles his whole career.

The Legacy Media is saying Joe Biden is the first Christian in YEARS - they say this and ignore Donald Trump was a church going President- as much as he could. CNN mocked Donald Trump when he took a photo at the Church he attended. The Church - Black Lives Matter tried burning to the ground! He held the Bible High with the Church still standing and the Media condemned the action.

Joe Biden is pushed to be a good Christian because his pastor- the Pope himself- his savior the Pope himself- is okay with the Great Reset unlike any Protestant like the majority of Americans!

Democrat Media Outlets PANIC Realizing Without Trump They Will COLLAPSE | Legacy Media IS OVER

The Donald Trump bump renewed these organizations and if he truly does leave on January 20th there will be nothing left to milk.

The Democrat media outlets like CNN and MSNBC are already panicking over the post Trump era and even Jeff Zucker of CNN is weighing quitting as they all have realized the Trump gravy train is over.

Stories of Trump forming a shadow government or refusing to leave are popping up all over the place as outlets are desperate to retain some kind of fear based message about the orange man.


Black Lives Matter Raised TEN BILLION DOLLARS In Six Months! Act Blue- Democrat Group enhanced in funds as well.


Dominion Voting Systems has claimed the hack did not effect their voting systems- so the story is over right? NOPE- NEVER TRUST AUTHORITY! WE NEED INVESTIGATIONS NOW!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Russiagate was squeaking in the ears of everyone in 2016 to even today we hear the murmurs. It was all proven to be a fake news- actually it turned out to be Russian Pushed Propaganda itself!

Hunter Biden has close ties and big money gains from China. Joe Biden brought him to China on Airforce 2 while Joe Biden was Vice President and granted his son big money in the State of China.

The Chinese infiltrated and influenced groups- are only seen as Democrat as well! Corporations, College Professors, Hollywood, Sports Bigwigs, and the Legacy Media- along with the Social Media- that's what is being in question now. Videos That Claim Fraud, Glitches, or Error - Cost Donald Trump The Election Will Be Deleted!

"Intel Source" Claims Donald Trump Won the Election | Rand Paul Says The Election Was Stolen

In a hearing on fraud Rand Paul said the election was in many ways stolen.

While the media roundly mocks Maria Bartiromo for her claims of an "intel source" one must wonder how it was acceptable for many mainstream media outlets to claim that anonymous sources confirmed Trump was a Russian asset.

The double standard provides a sample of the alternate realities.

In a hearing on vote fraud it was asserted that there was no vote fraud but also that there was. Democrats and Republicans are disagreeing on facts.

A Trump campaign lawyer said under oath he had evidence of fraud yet still Democrats insist it doesn't exist.

The Electoral college in fact cast their votes for Biden but many republicans vow to object come January 6th.

CD Projekt Red Investor Call | THEY PUT OUT CYBERPUNK 2077 OUT- KNOWING IT WAS BROKEN! Selling Broken Games!

Cyberpunk 2077 is now Playstation & Xbox Broken! Cyber Friendly Only! Cyberonly 2020! (PC)

Donald Trump "Demands" Arrest Of Georgia Governor As Bill Barr RESIGNS

Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Geraldo Rivera both state definitively that ITS OVER. While it may be based on official announcement of the Electoral College, Trump is still holding out hope that something could change between now and January 6th that results in a different slate of electors being chosen.

The likelihood that something changes between now and then is astronomical but many trump supporters point to statements made by incoming Acting AG Jeff Rosen about malign foreign influence and a Trump executive order from 2018 on sanctioning countries that interfere.

Chinese Spy Infiltrated Top Democrats

Democrats have found a Chinese Spy in their midst! A Politician has been sleeping with the enemy! This is no joke. A US Politician was sleeping with a Chinese Spy Lady who infiltrated our elected officials. China has been our adversary since the Cold War and they love Joe Biden, they love the in the bag for China Politicians. A Chinese Spy has infiltrated our Politics- but China has been already influencing our policies and our culture!


Right Wing Groups Sets Up COVID "Autonomous" Zone, Entire Town DEFIES COVID Lockdown

FACT: CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE DOES NOT WORK! New Study Shows That Allowing Our Police To Be Highway Pirates - Does Not Stop Any Crime! But Instead Makes Them Criminal Cops!

A new study shows that Civil Asset Forfeiture does not affect crime rates - which has been the only argument law enforcement has ever made to justify it.

MAGA REVOLT After McConnell BEGS Republican NOT To Support Trump, Republicans Are DONE Without Donald Trump | Arizona Republican SEIZING Voting Machines For Forensic Audit

Mitch McConnell - the Neocon - the RINO - the Grand Olde Person himself has sacrificed the Republican Party as the GOP IS SPLITTING FROM THE PATRIOTS!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Federal Investigation Is Placed On Hunter Biden's Chinese Business Dealings | Joe Biden's Chinagate - NOT EVEN PRESIDENT YET AND HE'S FULL OF CORRUPTION!

Chinese Puppet? Might not be too off from the reality- to say so!

USA Hit By MAJOR Cyber Attack Going Back Maybe SIX MONTHS, Donald Trump Was Right To Fire CISA Head

US Agencies have been hit by CYBER ATTACKS! Monthslong Cyber Spying Campaign! 

Rand Paul Endorses Snowden Pardon: Trump Should Pardon Assange, Too!

Liberty dies in censorship- but it thrives in transparency!

Electors Cast DUELING Votes For Donald Trump Challenging Joe Biden's Win In Election 2020 | Judge Orders Release Of Dominion Voting Machine Report

Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada now have dueling electoral votes as GOP members cast their votes for Trump citing ongoing legal challenges.

The precedent is 1960 when Richard Nixon was declared the winner in Hawaii while legal challenges were ongoing. Eventually after a recount it turned out that JFK had won and thus the dueling electors were sent to congress to be counted. Nixon as VP disregarded the GOP votes even though they had been signed by the Governor.

While its still a long shot beyond long shots there is a possibility that Republicans in the Senate choose to count the GOP votes and ignore the Democrat votes causing a dispute which results in Biden not reaching 270 and Trump winning reelection.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Chinagate! Secret Agent Joe Biden - Activated! -

In this episode I will be going over Chinagate- at these some parts of the Scandal Rocking Joe Biden and his 2020 Hopes! As his Chinese Business Ties and his Chinese Money Making Son see FBI Investigations!

Democrats have found a Chinese Spy in their midst! A Politician has been sleeping with the enemy! This is no joke.

Dogs will smell the armpits of the French People to decide their future. Their lives are in the paws of dogs! Their liberties in the paws of dogs!

Joe Biden has pushed war, death, abortion, and everything against Christian principles his whole career- but the legacy media is selling Joe Biden as a die hard Christian.

House GOP Has Major Plan To FLIP Electoral Vote To Trump, NYT Says Pence Could REJECT Democrat Votes

While it is most likely a big nothing burger there will always be one last attempt to say Trump can still win.

Truth be told however is that he can.

Mike Pence counts the electoral votes come January 6th and if enough Republicans contest enough votes Pence could choose to toss out Electoral College votes forcing a contingent election in which Trump and Pence would be reelected.

You Get Quid Pro Quo With Joe! Big Tech Rewarded By Joe Biden For Censoring Donald Trump!

Joe Biden is showing he's all for Quid Pro Quo while he's in charge! A favor for a favor- the definition of Quid Pro Quo. The Big Tech Giants Google and Facebook helped censor Trump and helped Joe Biden in the Election of 2020. Throughout the whole election Donald Trump was censored non-stop and Joe Biden never was!

Now he is giving Google and Facebook higher ups; JOBS!

Donald Trump Supporters SLAM GOP And Call To NOT VOTE For Georgia Republicans To "Sacrifice The Senate"

Republicans do nothing and get screwed by the Democrats everytime, everyday, and they do nothing. The Culture War is on their side, but they are not on a side of helping anyone. Trump Supporters are against the Republicans just as much as the Democrats!

TIME Magazine Makes Joe Biden & Kamala Harris People Of The Year For No Reason At All! | "Just Smile At The Camera And Wave"???

The Establishment Puppets Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have been selected as the Person Of The Year- 2020 has been the cringy weirdness in the Legacy Media!

ANTIFA Vs. THE PROUD BOYS | Street Fight Pursues During After Election Protests! | Proud Boys ANNIHILATED Antifa In DC, 4 People In Critical Condition After Brawls

Proud Boys ANNIHILATED Antifa In Washington DC, 4 People In Critical Condition After Brawls | Antifa Shot In Washington (State)

Joe Biden - The Future Of 2021

 "I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign!" - Joe Biden


Big Tech CENSORED Conservatives To Cheat For Democrats And Biden And Now He's REWARDING The Cronies

Irving, Texas State Representative - WANTS YOU TO RETREAT ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY - She's Rejecting Self Defense!

Texas State Representative is pushing a bill to "change" which in reality removes the State's current Castle Doctrine for Self Defense! 

Texas GOP Calls For NEW UNION Of States After SCOTUS DENIES Lawsuit Disputing Election | IT'S NOT OVER | FORTY FOUR States Now DISPUTING The Election - Democrats Push DEMAND For Arresting Trump Risking Igniting All Out Civil War

The Supreme Court has denied the Constitution - Allowing Election Issues To Just Exist!


The EU Research & Innovation Magazine has 5 things you need to know about mRNA Vaccines!

"The race for a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, is on, with 54 different vaccines under development, two of which are already being tested in humans, according to the World Health Organization. And among the different candidates is a new player on the scene – mRNA vaccines.

One mRNA vaccine developed by US company Moderna began its first human trials on 16 March, whereas another under development by German company CureVac has been offered €80 million in investment by the European Commission.

But what exactly are mRNA vaccines and why could they be promising in the fight against the coronavirus? We spoke to Professor Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding, head of the microbiology division of Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institut, which provides scientific advice to companies, including CureVac, and who sits on the scientific committee of Europe's Innovative Medicines Initiative."

- The EU Research & Innovation Magazine

Friday, December 11, 2020

FIRST IT WAS 18 STATES- NOW IT IS 40 STATES! America Doesn't Believe Election 2020 | The Election Is In Dispute!

Is Civil War coming to America?

Mask Mandates May Exist For Assisting Face Recognition Surveillance!

What is one way to get technology to work around masks? That may have been a question. Test the product on the public and force masks on them- did this happen? Well your masked face is helping them right now for sure!

"Facial Recognition Programs Are Getting Better at Recognizing Masked Faces

Pandemic-wear face masks may not be quite as effective a barrier to surveillance as we hoped. While fabric face coverings certainly pose challenges to facial-recognition technology, U.S. government researchers say that improving software specifically intended to account for obscured features has reduced the error rate and made it easier to identify people whose faces are partially concealed.

So, you'll need to add sunglasses and a hat to your privacy-enhancing ensemble to confidently thwart the best efforts of the snoops. "A new study of face recognition technology created after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic shows that some software developers have made demonstrable progress at recognizing masked faces," the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced this week." - Reason

Antifa Has Built A Massive NEW Autonomous Zone And Are WINNING Against Cops, This Time Its Different

This time, Portland is ground zero for an Autonomous Zone- but also it's ground zero for bad policy from Politicians as they try to evict people effected from COVID-1984.

Jemele Hill Asks Jake Paul A CRAZY Question About Nate Robinson Fight!

Former ESPN anchors Jemele Hill and Cari Champion asked Jake Paul if knocking Nate Robinson out was racist.  The question came as sort of a joke at first from Jemele Hill and Paul kind of played along. Cari Champion decided to ask the same question just a few seconds after it had already been asked and answered.

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

CHINESE AGENT JOE BIDEN? | CHINAGATE SEEMS PLAUSABLE! Democrats INFILTRATED By Chinese Spies, Video Shows Chinese Professor BRAGGING Joe Biden Is Compromised

New Report details how a Chinese spy infiltrated top Democrats.

In a viral video a Chinese professor brags about how for decades they have "old friends" at the highest levels of US Government, Finance, and Politics and how they used that to influence the US into favorable positions for China. The professor laments that since Trump has been elected they are unable to "fix" things.

He goes on to say that now that Biden was elected they will regain control of the core circle of power in the US and that Joe Biden's son was made wealthy insinuating it was them.

Donald Trump is fighting tooth and nail to stay in the presidency and now it seems that major conflict is brewing one way or another.

Donald Trump - Madman Strategy (Trump Doctrine)

While first under Donald Trump- the Madman Strategy seemed to be just trying to get anything done while the Kissinger Plan is being aimed all over the world. Trump trying to stop the plans- but ultimately it has been shown the Deep State had hidden all real plans from Donald Trump.

The Trump Doctrine seems to have been a great response as many who were trying to even stop him from peace- are wanting to adapt the strategy of the Madman Strategy being done correctly. Aiming towards empty buildings more- being a warning and being a disturbing warning to the nations in question.

Getting Peace Deals in the Middle East with this Strategy was the main- and most important sight in the Trump Doctrine. Anything to stop the ongoing war of centuries.

YouTube Will Remove Any Video Claiming Interference Caused Joe Biden To Win! | ESTABLISHMENT TRYING TO HIDE CHINAGATE!

Russiagate was squealing in the ears of everyone in 2016 to even today we hear the murmurs. It was all proven to be a fake news- actually it turned out to be Russian Pushed Propaganda itself! 

Hunter Biden has close ties and big money gains from China. Joe Biden brought him to China on Airforce 2 while Joe Biden was Vice President and granted his son big money in the State of China. 

The Chinese infiltrated and influenced groups- are only seen as Democrat as well! Corporations, College Professors, Hollywood, Sports Bigwigs, and the Legacy Media- along with the Social Media- that's what is being in question now. Videos That Claim Fraud, Glitches, or Error - Cost Donald Trump The Election Will Be Deleted!

Henry Kissinger - Madman Strategy (Deep State Expansion)

Under Richard Nixon- the liar and fraud that was his administration- the corrupt involvement of election fraud. But Nixon's Secretary Of State Henry Kissinger is caught on the limelight. He engineered the close relations with China- he influenced a fall of the Soviet Union, He arguably won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 while 2 people resigned over his winning in protest. He was awarded it for ending Vietnam. But We The People were the ones begging for Peace as he started the whole situation.

He became in this limelight- a clear and influential War Criminal! He became one through his deep state infiltrating theories of a Madman Strategy of foreign policy that goes to a globalist cause.

Donald Trump Announces He Will INTERVENE In Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit As Several States Vow To JOIN | THIS IS IT!

Attorney Generals In Alabama & Louisiana wanna join Texas's Lawsuit Over The Election 2020.

Only One Party Controls America's Dictionary | Democrats Will Pack The Court - As The Dictionary Changes The Definition Of ‘Court Packing’

The Democrat Party started the Culture War and Civil War in America when they took over and started controlling the dictionary- along with Corporations, Hollywood, Legacy Media, & College Professors. All the Democrat Controlled Sectors of Culture- are also in bed with China.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Texas Just NUKED Democrats From Orbit With SCOTUS Lawsuit Calling Election UNCONSTITUTIONAL | PA Responds To GOP Lawsuit Asking SCOTUS To Violate Constitution And Allow Illegal Votes

OUR CONSTITUTION IS IN QUESTION TO THE DEMOCRATS! They want to ignore the reality that we are a Constitutional Republic- NOT A DEMOCRACY!

Donald Trump's Epic Election Gambit and What May Be His Strategy!

The Election 2020 is a new type of Election.

GOP Lawsuit Reaches AZ Supreme Court And Could NULLIFY Joe Biden's Win | Even Pollsters Are SHOCKED Biden Beat EVERY Bellwether Metric

Republican lawsuits could spell seriously bad news for Democrats in three key states.

Trump needs to have three states in dispute in order to force a contingent election and so far he might get his way though "might" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

Currently there are lawsuits in AZ, MI, and GA which could put the electors in question unless resolution is confirmed today. Many lawyers on the left say its too late for Trump anyway as these states have already certified. Others argue that courts can rule as they see fit.

Rest In Peace To Harrison Deal : Georgia Sen Kelly Loeffler's Campaign Aide

"A 20-year-old campaign aide to Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R) died Friday in a car crash in Georgia ahead of Loeffler's campaign rally with Vice President Mike Pence.

The campaign staffer, identified as Harrison Deal, was also a family friend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) and a former intern for Sen. David Perdue (R), according to Fox News. Loeffler expressed her condolences for Deal's family on Twitter, calling him a "beloved member" of her campaign team. " - The Hill

While Georgia 2020 Election is in Question! The Governor's Family Friend and Senator's Staffer is killed… The Coincidences seem scary- this election season! Omen, and scary and devastating news! Such sadness to hear and it's truly eerie with the season.

Civil War? Donald Trump Supporter's House Bombed By Far Leftists!

Michigan is seeing the worse escalation in the Culture War!


While so many are worried about the Long Term Effects of COVID-19- many are ignoring the Long Term Effects of the rushed vaccine for COVID-19.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Supreme Court Justice Alito Makes BOMBSHELL Move Paving Way To TOSS Joe Biden's Electoral Votes In Pennsylvania | Election 2020

Judge Alito amended his request for response from PA state lawyers by one day pushing the deadline back before the safe harbor deadline.

This means that Joe Biden's electors could be disputed on December 8th and into the 9th by way of SCOTUS challenge and a lawsuit.

Democrats had argued that the previous deadline meant that the lawsuit challenging mail in voting in Pennsylvania was moot.

Now if may be exactly what Republicans and Trump need to reject the electoral college votes from PA.

Republicans are counting on Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Chief Justice Roberts to give Donald Trump a major win changing the game entirely.

Tale Of Two Madmen Strategies! Vaccines! Death! & Muzzles!

In this episode I will be going over Henry Kissinger's Deep State Madman Strategy and the difference of that and the Madman Strategy of Donald Trump- the Trump Doctrine.

From the The EU Research & Innovation Magazine- they have went over 5 things you need to know about mRNA Vaccines!

Loeffler campaign staffer dies in car crash

A 20-year-old campaign aide to Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R) died Friday in a car crash in Georgia ahead of Loeffler's campaign rally with Vice President Pence.

The campaign staffer, identified as Harrison Deal, was also a family friend of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) and a former intern for Sen. David Perdue (R), according to Fox News. Loeffler expressed her condolences for Deal's family on Twitter, calling him a "beloved member" of her campaign team.

What is one way to get technology to work around masks? That may have been a question. Test the product on the public and force masks on them- did this happen? Well your masked face is helping them right now for sure!

OATH BREAKERS : The Police That Are Willing To 'Break Their Oath To The Constitution' Need Fired! Defiant Bar Owner RUNS OVER COP Enforcing Illegal Lockdown In NYC, Rich People EXEMPT From Lockdown

Law Enforcement requires law- when they break the Constitution from Edict alone- they become Oath Breakers. Even enforcing a law when it contradicts the Constitution violates the standing of US Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison 1803. 

Democrats Are Pushing To Make Us All Guinea Pigs!

Science Matters- Science- We Want A Vaccine! Vaccine Will Make Us Go Back To Normal! That was the chants and the lines of the Left- the Democrats in 2020- now at the end as Donald Trump sadly helped with the terrible push for the rushed vaccine- a first of it's kind -the democrats once spoke of forcing it on everyone!

Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long-term?

Leftists And Democrats Start PANICKING As They Realize Donald Trump Is Actually WINNING Political Victories! Trump Holds Massive "Victory" Rally In Georgia!

In several state legislatures Republicans are calling the election in dispute and Trump might actually be able to pull off  a major victory.

First Democrats ignored Trump and republicans after the election. All the complaints and issuers brought up were nothing to them.

Then they laughed, they laughed at Sidney powell and Rudy Giuliani.

Now they are starting to fight after realizing that Trump is actually winning political victories in key swing states. He may be losing legal challenges but he is gaining legitimacy in the question over widespread irregularity.

We all know the next step in the saying:

Then Trump wins!

Saturday, December 05, 2020

CBS All Access : The Competition To DisneyPlus!

(Business News) - 7:50 PM EST - 12-5-2020 - With Liberty, Brandon Immel

Disney+ (DisneyPlus) has started a new way to family friendly entertainment- but their strictness may be leading to the best competitor- some Cartoons they obtain probably will never be released on the Disney+ Platform. CBS Access is the competition! Having on file - Beavis And Butt-Head - & - Celebrity Death Match - content you'd never find on the DisneyPlus Platform.

CBS All Access has the brands of CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, BET, & the Smithsonian Channel. Nostalgia is clear; even on CBS All Access. 

Its Raining Red Pills In California As Los Angeles Liberals FURIOUS Over Democrat Lockdown Double Standard | THEY ARE ENFORCING THIS ON THE POOR - The Rich Are Laughing As They Live Normal Lives!

Normal Lives without the 6 feet bullcrap, without the masks galore!, and without the lockdowns effecting them- is now found in the lives of the rich and the elite! The Politicians are getting special treatment as well! 

This new normal being sold; is to us poor and middle class citizens!

JOE BIDEN'S FIRST 100 DAYS | Will Leave You Muzzled & With No Rights!

For Health & Safety- Joe Biden is willing to subvert human rights and is even willing to undermine the Constitution!

Journalist Accidentally PROVES "Suitcasegate," Votes Illegally Counted After Watches Told To Leave | Election 2020 Is Super Fishy!


Legacy Media Push a COVID-19 Vaccination Card

DO YOU HAVE YOUR PAPERS?? The Constitutional Republic is Suspended- they want to enforce this society like a Fascist!

Republicans Demand Emergency Session In Pennsylvania As NEW Evidence Of Fraud Emerges | Supreme Court Is Getting Involved | Election 2020

Several whistleblowers have come forward with serious allegations that require investigation.

One driver says he drove 100,000 ballots from New York To PA and the Republicans in PA say there is no explanation for why that would happen.

Democrats have repeatedly said its too late as December 8th is the deadline for dispute resolution but now the Supreme Court is involved.

SCOTUS has docketed a lawsuit challenging Act 77, no excuse mail in voting, and Alito has ordered the state's lawyers to respond by December 9th.

COVID-1984 : How The Government Is Creating A Wealth Transfer

While spending online is surging 21% in this year- Black Friday has seen a steep fall of the box stores sales fell 52.1% compared with last year. As they all see a drop in box stores- the online market seeing a rise in 21% - it's clear the main corporate entities are the ones rising due to the COVID-19 scare induced market at the moment.

While the box stores and malls are seeing a hit- the real hit is the Ma and Pa Stores that are seeing a death blow to their wallets and money.

They always say the COVID-19 will kill Grandma and Grandpa- it's clear the Government intervention and fear porn is causing the death and doom to Small Businesses over any other sector!

This COVID-1984 is transferring the wealth away from the Middle Class, the Poorest Americans into the pockets of the Extreme Wealthy!

Friday, December 04, 2020

BOMBSHELL!!! Video Evidence Of Georgia Ballot Stuffing Drops, Observers Sign SWORN Affidavits, This Is MASSIVE | Election 2020


COVID-1984 | The Surveillance State Is Coming- Must Have Your Papers Like Nazi Germany- The Politicians Can Ignore Mandates They Force On You!

The Inner Party is being exposed as the politicians- WE THE PEOPLE ARE FALLING INTO BEING SLAVES TO THE STATE!

The COVID-19 Hypocrites: 'Lockdowns For Thee, But Not For Me!'

Governors, mayors, and other officials across the country and across the world are laying out restriction upon restriction for their subjects in the name of fighting a virus. But when it comes to obeying the edicts they demand others to follow, more often than not they are exposed as hypocrites...or worse. Also today, insanity in Washington state, violence in France, kids and quarantine, and a heroic gym owner.

Carjackings Up 537% As MN Defunding Police BACKFIRES Only Now Conservatives Are FED UP With Police | THE OATH BREAKERS MAKE AMERICA HATE THE POLICE!


In Canada Grandmas Are Killing Themselves To Escape COVID-1984

It's clear to see that this year has not created more deaths of Grandma and Grandpas as the death rate is the same as all previous years. So the lie that you'd kill Grandma and Grandpa is exposed as what it is- no more deaths than any-other year but instead many counts are down for pneumonia, heart disease, and flu affiliated deaths. Replaced and matched the deaths of COVID-19.

In Canada though- one grandmother decided the threat of another COVID-19 lockdown is enough for her to kill herself. Nobody stopped, nobody caused her death, but she choose to take her life to escape the dystopia of this year!

Democrats Are Pretending To Be Republicans To CHEAT In The Georgia Runoff | This Is Political WAR

Georgia Runoff Election Is A Political Warzone At The Moment!

From fake twitter videos telling republicans not to vote to billboards claiming to have been let down by Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue and not to vote Democrats are trying to trick republicans into giving up.

But the fight is actually getting spicy as now Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are being accused of being Democrats trying to sabotage the Georgia Runoff after contradicting Trump and telling people not to vote for the GOP.

The Senate Majority boils down to Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, Kelly Loeffler, And David Perdue.

Thursday, December 03, 2020



Donald Trump Tweets Video EXPOSING Illegal Vote Buying From Biden Supporters Who Quickly Delete Evidence

The video shows two women with one promising gift cards as prizes if people send in photos of them voting.

While Democrats are claiming its a legal "get out the vote drive" according to the law offering cash incentives or something of value in exchange for voting or not voting is illegal.

It doesn't matter if you tell someone to vote to for someone specific or not to vote for someone, simply saying vote in exchange for prizes is a crime.

While this is not definitive proof of Trump's claims about the system being rigged it is still something that needs to be investigated and prosecuted.

Bill Barr recently claimed that to date he has not seen evidence that would have changed the outcome but this doesn't mean it doesn't exist and it doesn't mean he stopped investigating.

"I'm From the Government and I'm Here to Help" Says Joe Biden

Joe Biden is here to help, he says! AS HE PUSHES HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTY OUT THE WINDOW!


MASSIVE Protests Erupt, Conservatives Rise Up Against Lockdown As Democrats Openly Flout The Rules


Sad News is seen in Japan at the moment as Suicides are now exceeding the deaths of COVID-19.

In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from COVID-19 in all of 2020.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Donald Trump Drops HUGE Middle Finger To Establishment Vowing To VETO Defense Bill Unless 230 is REPEALED

While hopefully nobody repeals 230 but amends it against the Monopolies in the Social Media Sector. 

Analyzing William Barr's Election Fraud Comments and the Legacy Media Spin Cycle | Election 2020 The First Election The Media Has Controlled Openly

The Mainstream Media are focusing hard on what William Barr said- but they are ignoring what he is saying- and that the DOJ & FBI never are on cases on Election Issues.

Donald Trump Lawyers Push Call For MARTIAL LAW As More Evidence Of FRAUD Emerges In Election 2020 | THEY DEMAND A NEW ELECTION!

As more evidence begins to emerge and it seems less and less likely Trump can pull off a legal win, Lawyers and supporters are calling for Trump to invoke martial law.

Sidney Powell retweeted a call for military tribunals and martial law in order to stop the destruction of our constitutional republic. Though retweets are not typically endorsements it does seem to represent the views of many Trump supporters.

Lin Wood directly called for martial law in order to prevent civil war.

Democrats and Republicans are in two entirely different worlds now. We cannot predict where this brings us but wherever it does will be a dark place.

Corporate Press Stole The Election 2020 | While They Allow Politicians' Families To Become Wealthy

The Corporate Pressitutes as they gaslight their viewers, lie to their viewers, and change the subject to nonsense, for their viewers.

They controlled the narrative and got the result they wanted! That's why they instantly called it for Joe Biden- while we are now seeing the Electoral College Court play by Donald Trump coming to the final bell- it could change it all.

It's something to see this one Survey that was done about the Hunter Biden scandal. Where it was exposed he's a middle man, to help get Chinese and Ukrainian money to his father as Joe Biden acts similar to a foreign national spy. If it would have been exposed of Joe Biden's money being made- along with Hunter Biden getting all his credit for every job he had because he was a Biden and ultimately it was always decided to be him because of his Father. We now see a glimpse of the horrors the politicians in our country push their family into- they are pushing their family members into more wealth than all of us combined- as they are allowed to smoke crack and do drugs galore- get prostitutes and get weird with random people- as many normal people are arrested daily for their actions of doing the same. They are creating a new class of people in the nation- an Ultra Elite Rich Class of the Politicians' Family Members.