Thursday, September 24, 2020

Culture War Explained (How It Effects Us All)

The Culture War is real- and effects all people whether they are Right or Left, or none of those!

Politics doesn't always weigh in on the idea of Racist Intersectionality. It's a belief that we must treat others differently based on gender, sex, race, class, sexuality, religion, disability, physical appearance, height, & etc.

It's a racist, sexist, and prejudice ideology against all the factors that nobody can choose for themselves because it's how they were born; to also being prejudice against people because of their religion, because they are healthy, because they are attractive and way more!

Critical Race Theory is the clear cut ideology to try to argue privilege! It's pushing to judge all off their skin color- to argue they are racist due to their skin color or to say they won't achieve anything based off their skin color.

Critical Race Theory says it's against the Whiteness of Society but while doing so- actually is racist against every other race as well.

This is not a Right vs. Left anything- but is clearly spread far and wide! This Racist Indoctrination infiltrates everything they can touch!

Political Correctness is another way the Culture War is real- and effects all people whether they are Right or Left, or none of those! It even ignores some history because it is as they would say confusing or troubling.

It's a diversion of our language to censor people and say their PC language is the only acceptable words to be used. As they call all that don't comply- Politically Incorrect. But beyond changing definitions alone- which is scary. It also changes what history and what topics can be discussed.

Many things have been called racist or bigoted. That practically covers anything in the world.

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