Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Kenosha Kid's Self Defense | THE BATTLE OF KENOSHA EXPLAINED

2020 Has Been Ruled By Paranoia, Riots, Fires, & Unrest

All with the Corporate Media's help- riots, paranoia, and unrest flooded our streets in the United States. Residential Areas destroyed, Cities like Minneapolis; burned to the ground! Looting being promoted as a need. The lawlessness and unstructuring of our society has been exposed!

All while Social Justice Warriors & Political Correct Pawns are using racist subversion to delude the progress, freedom, and liberty of our nation! We also now have them destroying it overall instead of just the subversion.

We find the left- lost on what is happening as they ignore all bad actors around them. They focus on one lifeguard, The Kenosha Kid- Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse got a gun from a friend to watch over Kenosha at night during riots- to protect a business. Kyle lived in Illinois- 20 minutes from Kenosha where he worked. He agreed and even with his training of being a medic- he became one to the Protesters. 

He did not care if Free Speech was their reason, that is fine. But he wasn't allowing property destruction! The Burning of Kenosha just happened the day earlier- when riots rampaged throughout the city. 

Kyle Rittenhouse on the 25th of August was putting fires out. With his gun in one hand and a fire extinguisher in the other. He was trying to help. His medic bag on his shoulder, he looks for begging and harmed protesters to aid.


The Police were pushing the protesters into the business areas; where the Militia-like casuals were- earlier in the day the Police even said to them "We appreciate you being here."- but then they push the protesters there?.. Was the police not thinking? Why would you push the rioters into an area where people are armed to stop rioters? 

It sounds like the inevitable happened. A mad excuse where the real questions are not answered. But where, we have more questions. 

Hearing from the journalists themselves who were at the Battle Of Kenosha will help alot.


1. New Footage PROVING Kenosha Kid Was Defending Himself CENSORED By Youtube, More Riots Are Coming Kenosha Kid, Kyle Rittenhouse- of the Battle of Kenosha was clearly self defense. Now more footage has been released even more sealing it as self defense. YouTube has censored the video!

2. THE BATTLE OF KENOSHA : Two BLM Rioters Shot And Killed In Last Night's Unrest - CHAOS LEADS TO GUN FIRE AS ALL WANT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES Two BLM Rioters Shot And Killed In Last Night's Unrest, Leftists Threaten To Publish Police Names

3. Black Lives Matter Leftist CHARGED In Kenosha Proves Kenosha Kid Acted In Self Defense, Kyle Rittenhouse Will Likely WALK Black Lives Matter leftist was arrested in Kenosha due to the Battle of Kenosha. The night Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested after acting in self defense.

4. Kyle Rittenhouse- The Kenosha Kid of the Battle Of Kenosha Lawyers Up | Nick Sandmann's lawyer Lin Wood is taking on Kyle Rittenhouse's case. Kyle Rittenhouse was patrolling Kenosha, Wisconsin with a Militia in the neighborhood- Kyle was connected to Kenosha as he was working as a lifeguard there. While he was patrolling- Black Lives Matter rioters were chasing after him, tried to steal his weapon, and a shot happened towards Kyle, and he fired upon a man (who later was identified as a Pedophile child rapist) killing him.

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