Sunday, October 25, 2020

Coyotes, Court Packing, & The Final Debate 2020 | Liberty Bites Back Ep. 8

Since 2014- after the child migrant crisis broke out in that summer; coyotes or human smugglers have been bringing unaccompanied children to the border and having them cross knowing the wording of a 2008 anti-trafficking law and because of the backlog of cases in immigration court will allow the children to be stuck here in America for a while, since their deportation is enacted to take a while to process.

With this said, there are many American Idiots that exist that are ignorant, stupid, or just blatantly ignore what a coyote is. Stating Donald Trump is dumb or stupid talking about dogs stealing children or saying it's a xenophobic phrase for their parents.

To the Democrat's a Supreme Court Justice has no reason to exist as they wanna repeal and get rid of the Constitution. They will ignore the Constitution and stack the Supreme Court making it a mockery to the Separate Branch of Government. Without a constitution there's really no purpose of the Court. Our rights will be unrecognized and deteriorate to nothing.

During the Final Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, we saw the new rule that is a big problem! Muting candidates is now allowed in our elections and it's an atrocity!

Joe Biden really failed at the Final Debate, one of these failures was clear. Joe Biden said "I don't look at this in terms of the way he does blue states and red states; they're all the united states."

Then Joe Biden says just right after saying that: "Look at the states that are having such a spike in coronavirus, they're the red states. They're the states in the midwest, the states in the upper midwest, that's where the spike is occurring significantly."

It did not take long for Joe Biden to show that he himself does separate the states into Red States and blue States himself in his own rhetoric.

We are told right now we have a surge. We were told a national mask mandate is unconstitutional, but the doctors don't care about your rights nor did Hitler's doctors who he always listened to, they never cared about anyone's rights either- their science and their bullcrap is all these scientists ever care about. Having Guinea Pigs and using the Guinea Pigs to test their theories. That's exactly what we are, to these people.


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