Sunday, October 11, 2020

Natural God Given Rights :The Inalienable Rights That Belong To All Humans | Liberty Bites Back - Ep. 6

Our rights are not from the US Constitution, nor any parchment - they are inalienable rights that belong to all humans- WHETHER GOVERNMENTS WANT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT!

Liberty is the starting point to understand - inalienable rights. As Aristotle said "This, then, is one note of liberty which all democrats affirm to be the principle of their state. Another is that a man should live as he likes. This, they say, is the privilege of a freeman, since, on the other hand, not to live as a man likes is the mark of a slave. This is the second characteristic of democracy, whence has arisen the claim of men to be ruled by none, if possible, or, if this is impossible, to rule and be ruled in turns; and so it contributes to the freedom based upon equality." (Aristotle, Politics 6.2)

Freedom Of Speech - is one Inalienable Right that every human is born with. The right for people to use reasonable force or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force. Also known as SELF DEFENSE is a human right, it is a God-given right!

Right to Privacy- it is an inalienable right. The United Nations even notices the right through their Article 12 it reads: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."

The Human Nature will beat your Cyber-Punk dreams of robots and idiotic thought-lines of AI that's being approved. It's a failure to tyranny destroying the market.


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