Monday, July 20, 2020

Yuri Bezmenov Warned Us All - BUT WE IGNORED HIM | KGB Defector Predicts Culture War & The Left Asking For A New Normal

KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov explains Ideological Subversion (also called Active Measures or Psychological Warfare) which is about changing the perception of reality of EVERY AMERICAN to the extent that even though Americans can have all the information they need to know the facts, nobody can come to sensible conclusions to the facts- they can't even come up with ideas for defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. These are steps that are in themselves a MARXIST STATE OF WAR on AMERICA and the Ideas and Principles Of The Nation Itself!

Demoralization is the FIRST STEP.
Which is set in the EDUCATION of the Nation to ACCEPT SOCIALISM. (Marxist Ideology) These people are lost to the Marxist cause. That's them. They are programmed to react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. Even if you expose them to AUTHENTIC INFORMATION (Much like how the Left love China- even though the Chinese are doing everything they condemn!)

Destabilization is the SECOND STEP.
Ideas and the Patterns of your Consumption doesn't matter at this step. This step usually takes 2-5 years. The Essentials are what they aim to control at this step- The Economy, Foreign Relations, and Defense Systems. Which during his interview- he explains this process has already been established. We probably call this- THE DEEP STATE, The Illuminati, or The Shadow Government.

Crisis is the THIRD STEP.
This step can take only 6 weeks- to accomplish. During this Step a VIOLENT CHANGE OF POWER WOULD OCCUR- And this change would effect the Power Structure and Economy and would end in the FOURTH STEP- NORMALIZATION. Sounds like Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the crisis they choose to use. It's effected both the Economy and has had Marxist Dictated Mayors, Governors, Doctors, and Politicians place the "safety above liberty" and ultimately change the landscape of the Economy- rising up BIG BUSINESS and let Small Business die in it's wake. With all of the same politicians SHOUT FOR A NEW NORMAL.  Along with COVID-19 being the Crisis; we all saw the RISE OF MARXISM in the Riots all over the country- that are completely VIOLENT!

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