Monday, November 18, 2019

Iran Protesters BURN DOWN Central Bank! | Iran Blames U.S. "Economic Terrorism" for Fuel Prices & Protests

Iranian Protesters set fire to their Central Bank in Behbahan. Protesters burn down Iran's central bank branch in Behbahan following large protests over the hike of the price of fuel in the country. The fuel prices rose over 50%.

With protests kicking off around the world to a massive scale, it's interesting to see this development in Iran, especially considering that central banking tends to be one of the number one issues affecting all of these places whether the protesters know it or not.

In Iran they certainly seem to recognize the problems of central banking, though we of course do not condone burning down buildings.

Iran has been facing an enormous amount of inflation by their government run central bank whose  main building is based in Tehran. With the central bank recently going after auto manufacturers and demanding audits by banks in the country, people are getting restless. To add to the problem of vast inflation, the fuel prices skyrocketed recently. Iranians are generally strong people who do not comply when being forcefully shoved into poverty, so there's not doubt we'd see protests and the protests appear to be growing by the day.

Rouhani claims the price hike on fuel purchases is for the "greater good." Most are not buying that.
Iran erupted into protests after the government implemented a hike on fuel prices, resulting in thousands of protesters in the streets across the country. Demonstrators burned down buildings, and the government initiated a full country internet blackout in response. This comes amid the leak of hundreds of reports and cables from Iranian intelligence, giving insight into how the Iranian government influences the Iraqi government to counter U.S. intervention in the region.

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