Monday, September 09, 2019

What Would You Eat to Save the Earth? The Green Malthusianism Worldview Agenda That Wants To Normalize Cannibalism.

Unnatural Food, for a better future? How far is this all going???

First it's good to know what worldviews many people in the world have.

Green Malthusianism synthesizes mystical versions of environmentalism with alarm about population growth in the tradition of the Rev. Thomas Malthus

Libertarian Isolationism would abandon foreign alliances, dismantle most of its military, and return to a 19th-century pattern of decentralized government and an economy based on small businesses and small farms.

Neoliberal Globalism believes that at home governments should provide only basic public goods like infrastructure and security, and do so by market-friendly methods

Populist Nationalism tends to favor restriction of legal as well as illegal immigration to protect the core stock of the tribe-state from dilution by different races, ethnic groups or religions. Populist nationalism also tends to favor protectionist policies that shield workers and businesses, particularly small businesses, from foreign competition.

Social Democracy claims an economic safety net, protecting citizens from unemployment, sickness, poverty in old age and other disasters, is necessary if democratic government is to retain popular support.

Green Malthusianism is clear that human population is the issue, how will they fix this? CANNIBALISM... As Now A Scientist Says Cannibalism May Be A Solution To Climate Change!

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