Sunday, September 08, 2019

Lefties Will Vote Trump Just Because The Democrats Are Crazy | Ocasio Cortez Is Dragging 2020 Democrats To Complete Ruin And CNN's Ratings Prove It

Most left leaning people in the United States are talking of staying home or voting Trump*.
*They will vote Trump because the Authoritarian Far Left being completely pandered to; on a silver platter -for every single issue that exists- in the modern Democratic Party. This complete pandering to only 7-10% of the nation- makes them look crazy to 90-93%. 

"Ocasio Cortez Is Dragging 2020 Democrats To Complete Ruin, And CNN's Ratings Prove It. AOC Has led the charge on climate change and the Green new Deal. But to most people she sounds like a fringe alarmist ranting that 'the end is nigh.'

Looking at CNN's ratings for the climate change town hall we can see that most people just did not care about what was being said. CNN came in last even though they had so many 2020 democrats on stage. Contrast this with the 2nd debate where CNN had over 10 Millions viewers and we can conclude one of two things. Either people don't care for the democrats or they don't care for climate change.

2020 Democrats are taking the lead of far left progressives and pushing for things most people don't care about. They seem to think 5 million followers on twitter means something to the average American, but it doesn't.

Trump and the Republicans are absolutely capitalizing on this by shifting the media debate onto "the squad." Yet even though we all know he wants the focus on fringe far leftists many 'resistance' personalities think Trump is just shifting the media focus on accident.

It's time for people to realize they are being played." -Tim Pool

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