Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Australia Is Going Cashless! - This Will NOT End Well

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the most recent cashless news out of Australia as the country bans cash payments over $10,000.

The idea is that it will stop money laundering and organized crime. Well, the government is organized crime and they're enabling them by stopping individuals from not getting their hard earned money stolen.

Australia has slowly been marching into the cashless society. We've also seen the attempt to replace Australian passports with facial recognition. This is incredibly dangerous to the wealth and prosperity of so-called free individuals.

As the IMF attempts to map out a global centrally planned cashless society through the SDR, the test grounds are obvious. Australia, India, China and Sweden stand out the most when it comes to the incremental step towards a total global cashless society.

Remember, this is a centrally planned cashless society. The blockchain can be used by the establishment if centralized to control society. It can also be used by the individual if decentralized to overthrow that which controls society. That is incredibly important to point out as far too many confuse centralized with decentralized.

Central planning is extremely beneficial to the global establishment but not at all to the individual who ends up deep in debt. Fiat is centralized and as the establishment gets desperate to push interest rates up to avoid the inevitable negative rates, a cashless society which is centralized and forced by legal tender laws would allow them to bail in bank accounts and cut the risk of a bank run. It would also allow them to track people anywhere and shut down people's ability to spend money if they wish.

Australia must stand up to this coercive complex rising up under the false guise of "convenience."

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