Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Naked Truth The Left Is Spreading | #WhiteHouseSiege Is The New World Order

Adbusters, the creators of #OccupyWallStreet - 9 years later; they are starting a new campaign aimed at The White House. #WhiteHouseSiege is a plan to remove President Donald Trump if the Military will not; by using the Far Left to do it. Right now they have placed out two "Tactical Briefings".

#WhiteHouseSiege – Tactical Briefing #1 -

"All right, all you activists:

It’s been nine years since we set off the political earthquake of #OccupyWallStreet, laying siege to NYC’s Zuccotti Park and inspiring thousands of similar protests around the world.

The Occupy anniversary arrives September 17th, 2020. And it may be the perfect day to trigger another global big-bang moment — a massive collective action of the sweetest kind of disobedience.

The why hardly needs recitation. Because, for these nine years, the shadows have only grown longer. Inequality has soared. Not a single Wall Street CEO spent a night in jail for his role in the 2008 financial meltdown. Politicians and corporate criminals continue to savage the public trust with impunity. And all the while, this howling void of a president, his sins too many to name, sits smugly atop a corona death-toll that may surpass two-hundred thousand Americans by Christmas.

It’s time again for dramatic, decisive action. Which is why, on September 17th, in the original and enduring spirit of Occupy, we and tens of thousands of our fellow citizens will stream into Lafayette Square, in Washington. D.C.

We will lay siege to the White House. And we will sustain it for exactly fifty days. This is the #WhiteHouseSiege.

A siege only works if it is sustained. We witnessed this — the multiplying power of a strategic occupation — nine years ago. You dig in, hold your ground, and the tension accumulates, amplifies, goes global.

Fifty days — September 17th to November 3rd.

Let us once again summon the sweet, revolutionary nonviolence that was our calling card in Zuccotti Park.

#WhiteHouseSiege will electrify the U.S. election season — and it doesn’t stop there. Drawing wind from #MeToo, #BLM, #ExtinctionRebellion, and protests against Trump’s lethal bungling of coronavirus, we’ll inspire a global movement of systemic changea Global Spring — a cultural heave towards a new world order.

What is our one demand? We want to collaborate with you — brainstorm tactics with you — spark a revolution with you. We need your voice of wisdom and expertise to pull off a radically democratic toneshift in our politics. If you would like to either contribute or just shoot the shit, drop us a line at blackspotcollective@adbusters.org. Or submit your ideas to us using the form below.

First, let's get our tactics in order. Then, let's screw up our courage, stuff our backpacks with the tools of nonviolent revolution, and head to Lafayette Square with intelligence to match our spirits — starting September 17th. "

#WhiteHouseSiege – Tactical Briefing #2

"Jammers, citizens, activists:

‍There are many ways to think about this #WhiteHouseSiege. Is it a beautiful jam? A civic exorcism? A spectacular sayonara party for Dear Donald? All of the above, absolutely — but let us not ignore the dark forces also at work. ‍

Time is short. Shall we rely on William Barr to interpret the law justly, in the interest of all Americans? On the police or military to drag Trump from the White House when he loses? On the grace and civility of the alt-right hordes and white supremacists? Of course not. By now it’s clear that Trump and his sycophants will do anything to prevent Joe Biden from taking office, including crippling the Postal Service. There is no limit to their cynicism, no end to their corruption.

That’s why it’s critical for us the people to show our strength . . . to be there in the hundreds of thousands, invigilators of our great democracy, to remind this authoritarian regime of our significance, our will, and our power. The survival of the American experiment — the American spirit — requires nothing less.

We will not let Donald Trump steal the election!

Phase One runs from Occupy's ninth anniversary, September 17th, to Election Day — a fifty-day siege on the White House. This is the #WhiteHouseSiege. And, if need be, we will be ready to reconvene at any time after that to ensure the peaceful transition of power.

So, over the next few weeks, screw up your courage, stuff your backpack with the tools of nonviolent revolution, and bring intelligence to match your enthusiasm. Together we can resuscitate a sick and dying nation, reawaken its better angels, and rekindle the true essence of democracy.

If you want to brainstorm, contribute, or just have a chat, drop us a line at blackspotcollective@adbusters.org.

See you in Lafayette Square on September 17th.

Never doubt that one perfectly timed ritual can change the course of history."

First off in the first Tactical Briefing the Language used says nothing about a Peaceful Protest- and says everything about a "Revolution", "Siege", and "Strategic Occupation". They are calling for a GLOBAL SPRING, A CULTURAL HEAVE TOWARDS A NEW WORLD ORDER. They even say later to email them if you want to "shoot the shit". They say to "stuff our backpacks with the tools of nonviolent revolution."; which I've never seen something that's able to be shoved in a backpack as able to be used for "Non-Violent Revolution" really any protest with Black Bloc, Antifa, or BLM- whatever they call themselves anymore!

The second Tactical Briefing we learn more why they feel the need to push towards this NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA. As the last line reads "Never doubt that one perfectly timed ritual can change the course of history." showing they believe this to be the ritual they need! They also state, even though they are Nihilist- that Donald Trump and his supporters are full of cynicism. They also push the idea of America being a "democracy" instead of the REPUBLIC IT IS! They state the goal and mission of this "protest" is "if need be, we will be ready to reconvene at any time after that to ensure the peaceful transition of power." they say peaceful transition relies on "the police or military to drag Trump from the White House when he loses?" or they will do it themselves!

This is truly plan 2- for the Democrats if the succession plan fails that John Podesta put into place when the Democrats played some "war games" on the election.

‘In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr Trump took office as planned.’ - "Podesta got the Democratic House (played by other Democrats) to declare Biden the president, and then watched to see how the military would react." - Spectator 

"In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do." - NY Times

The two excerpts above show the "scenario" that is the STEP ONE for the Democrats if Donald Trump would win, while if the Military would do nothing- now they have this STEP TWO the #WhiteHouseSiege "protesters" to do their dirty work for them.

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