Monday, August 10, 2020

56 Countries To Avoid If You Have Openly Talked Against The Communist Chinese. | China's Far Reaching Law Could Land You In THEIR Jails

China has a law that says you cannot criticize the Communist Party of China nor the state itself; if you do you could go to jail! While in America you're gonna be okay; there are 39 Countries that have ratified Extradition to China and 17 more that just are waiting to be ratified.

These are the 39 places to never go! (Make sure to look up their laws and make sure any place you go isn't just missed on these lists. Always be sure when travelling that you're informed, these lists could change and more countries could be added.)

1. Afghanistan 2. Algeria 3. Angola 4. Barbados 5. Belarus 6. Bosnia and Herzegovina 7. Bulgaria 8. Brazil 9. Cambodia 10. Ethiopia 11. France 12. Grenada 13. Italy 14. Indonesia 15. Iran 16. Kazakhstan 17. Kyrgyzstan 18. Laos 19. Lithuania 20. Lesotho 21. Mexico 22. Mongolia 23. Namibia 24. Pakistan 25. Peru 26. Portugal 27. Philippines 28. Russia 29. South Africa 30. South Korea 31. Romania 32. Spain 33. Tajikistan 34. Thailand 35. Tunisia 36. United Arab Emirates 37. Ukraine 38. Uzbekistan 39. OF COURSE Hong Kong & China

These 17 places below have Extradition laws with China but they are not "ratified"
1. Argentina 2. Australia 3. Austria 4. Belgium 5. Chile 6. Republic of Congo 7. Cyprus 8. Ecuador 9. Kenya 10. Mauritius 11. Morocco 12. Panama 13. Senegal 14. Sri Lanka 15. Turkey 16. Vietnam 17. Zimbabwe

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