Monday, June 15, 2020

Given An Inch; They Took A Mile | Far Leftists Tear Down Thomas Jefferson Statue; The Woke Cancel Mobs Demand Culture War Victory Now!

The Culture War has been going on for years now. It started with the left. America finally for 30-40 years allowed mixing of races in America; before the late 1960's - it was illegal. Peace was on the rise; but then cancel culture crept out of the far leftist circles on Twitter. Social Media was being weaponized against culture. Factions of the liberal parties; would flood companies and request bizarre orders- rather a book, shirt, or a product be removed. It then soon became, removing an employee; or a customer.

YouTube, Twitter, Google, Facebook, T-shirt companies, Visa, Mastercard, and many different companies and monopolies- have caved in to many of these threats. The Victims of the Mobs are ruined financially and defamed by the media and the society- all for the accusations of the Far Left Mobs, or the Woke Left Mobs!

Now protests are banned; due to Covid-19; making it clear you will be dehumanized for being out, using your first amendment.

Unless you are on the left, Black Lives Matter, or Antifa. Then you are also called peaceful as buildings burn around you! All it takes for the Right Protests and Independent Protests to be considered VIOLENT or UNREASONABLE is when Guns are held to show solidarity to the 2nd Amendment; the Right to Bear Arms. But in their own protests, people are armed. They protect them. They truly understand the importance; while still wanting to ban them.

Now they are tearing down Thomas Jefferson.

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