Monday, August 26, 2019

Far Leftists DEFEND Hong Kong Police, Call Protesters Far Right Fascists | Far Left Authoritarians Only Like Communist Police

Far Leftists DEFEND Hong Kong Police, Call Protesters Far Right Fascists. The Hong Kong Protesters are demanding freedom of speech and the right to protest, among other things. From this there has been an escalation in clashes with police resulting in a viral photo and video showing police draw their arms against the protesters.

While many in the US on the left and right condemned the shocking act, some far leftists have actually come to the defense of the police saying they were being attacked by a mob of far right fascists.

Far left activists have increasingly begun to take the side of the communist party and police. This is party due to the fact that Hong Kong protesters use Pepe, Fly American Flags, Sing the US anthem, and have asked Donald Trump for help.

While its important to stress that many on the left absolutely side with the protesters, it is even more important to note that those in the US waving communist flags have defended China and have actually engaged in similar behavior in the US.

Its not necessarily a mirror image of the US, its basically the same thing. Pro communist activists in the US target pro freedom of speech activists here all the same.

Both sides are worthy of criticism but in the end it seems that for some the issue is not about principle, freedoms, or opposing authoritarianism but in defending their "tribe"

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