Thursday, July 04, 2019

Justin Amash LEAVES Republican Party! - Cult Members Are FURIOUS! | He Was The Only Republican To Ask For Impeachment Against Trump

 The Only Republican To Ask For Impeachment Against Trump has now Declared Independence against the Republican Party and the two-party system.

Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan, a wildly popular and controversial libertarian leaning representative decided to quit the Republic Party. Following his claims that Trump could realistically be impeached after reading the Mueller Report, countless Republicans came out against Amash for staying consistent. While most of the Russian collusion news is nothing but nonsense, it's also highly hypocritical to call out other politicians and presidents for doing the same thing if not worse and refusing to criticize Trump. It's cult behavior surrounding either the Republican Party of the Democrat Party.

Amash decided it was time to quit saying the need for loyalty over consistency concerned him greatly.

Trump responded by calling Amash dumb and disloyal. The notion that you have to support an entire party because you're in it kind of goes against the already faulty notion of democracy. If we are to take democracy seriously (which we shouldn't), one would think that these politicians represent their constituents, not their party. The party itself is simply a powerhouse that allows you to gain office and have some sort of coalition. Of course it's all ridiculous regardless of this fact. As we talk on Independence Day, 2019, we should remember what the country was founded on and how far it has fallen.

Individuals must rule themselves and stop getting so incredibly furious over someone not towing the line of the figurehead like a cult.

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