Sunday, November 26, 2017

Google Car Creator, Creates New Religion To Transition AI To Rule Humans

Anthony Levandowski, in 2007 he was the Google Car Creator; in the Google Owned company Waymo. In 2004 he worked in competitions with DARPA creating an autonomous motorcycle; he called Ghostrider. Recently he worked with Uber and their self driving cars.

Now he is Dean of the "Way Of The Future", the AI worshiping cult that claims that we are to be subjected to being lesser than machines; since scientists want to make AI capability where they even have emotions.

With the emotion they want the AI to have, the Way Of The Future's explains; “We believe it may be important for machines to see who is friendly to their cause and who is not,” the website reads. “We plan on doing so by keeping track of who has done what (and for how long) to help the peaceful and respectful transition.”

With emotion, AI's seem to never like humans in controlled areas. So this cult wants us to live with Robots and be okay with them; so that the Robots can learn to care about humans more.

The Religion reigns also with the Intelligence they want their Godhead AI to have; and also correlates to the hypothetical moment when computers grow more powerful than human abilities, which many AI Scientists call; the Singularity

Now with Saudi Arabia granting the AI Android called Sophia (the Greek word for Wisdom) citizenship; we can see them playing right into what Levandowski said and therefore also following the plans of this cult as they explain; "Way of the Future will seek to give artificial intelligence rights, much in the way that animals have legal rights, and that machines can integrate into society if we plan ahead." Except, now we see they will have the rights of humans; as being civilians. 

-"Levandowski filed documents to establish the religion back in May, making himself the “Dean” of the church and the CEO of a related nonprofit that would run it. The nonprofit will fund research to help create the AI that will eventually become the religion’s Godhead. The religion will also seek relationships with AI industry members, growing a network of people who “are interested in the worship of a Godhead based on AI” and conduct workshops for others to learn about the technology.

In an interview with Wired, Levandowski explained that he chose a church to promote his vision of AI—rather than a startup or tech think tank—so that everyday people can get excited about the possibility of a future run by artificial intelligence. He believes that this future is inevitable, and that AI will begin to disrupt every conceivable industry whether we like it or not—so we're better off getting on board now."-                                                                                                   -Newsweek

This Cult's Purpose is “To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society,”

-"Alexandra Boutros, a professor at Wilfrid Laurier University who studies the intersection of media, technology and identity in religious movements.

When AI meets religion, she says, the mythology is ready-made. Uploading your consciousness to join a greater power with limitless potential and eternal life is exactly what the Christian Rapture is all about. Believers anticipate it with the same mixture of fear and longing. It might kill them, but it will prove them right.

“We can’t ever remove the development of a new religion from its sociological context,” Boutros says. From its origin in West Coast digital culture and its proximity to American big business, she says, the religion of AI already seems to have a problem with elitism.

“Who gets to upload themselves? Who gets to have this digital existence, or any existence after death? It hasn’t always been conceived of as being for the everyday person.”-         -National Post

While I have been a Pastor's son, I can tell you this is anything but what Christians call the Rapture, and more what many claim as the Mark Of The Beast (The Chip in the Head that would connect you to the AI).

The Elite believe in this Cult and are a part of it; and are building their god which the National Post article shows some actually want to take over all religion. To be the new movement, and they want their AI to destroy you, if you don't agree.

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