Saturday, April 28, 2018

Doesn't Need Peace Prize, Some Loving Trump's Kissinger Madman Tactic-Others Condemn The WarHawk Mentality.

Trump Doesn't Need a Nobel Peace Prize, since Obama received one with just keeping the Military Industrial Complex moving forward; many wonder why he did anyway. 

What Styx misses in the thought-line of thinking Trump's Sanctions are what caused the resolution is the fact; he doesn't apply that the harsh words, sanctions, and calling of North Korea -as a terrorist state- during their meeting with South Korea when they celebrated their humanity at the Olympics; Trump escalated declaring war by placing sanctions.

All sanctions are an act of war.

Throughout the world, we are also known as the "Biggest Threat To World Peace."

But while he may have used the Henry Kissinger Madman Tactic; the Bush Doctrine - (Hillary Clinton/Obama Doctrine) which probably caused the two states to get together- to cause peace, so the US don't get involved in a war! -Scaring the crap out of other countries; is surely not a peaceful way to do business.-
Corruption did not just start January 20th, 2018. All sides are needing called out.

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