Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Monday, February 03, 2020

Civil Asset Forfeiture : Police Pirates Thieve $82,000! | NJ Starts Fixing Asset Forfeiture; Making Highway Robbery Illegal For Police As Well

A man and his daughter had $82,000 stolen from them by federal agents.

Warren Staff EXPOSED Slamming Her Far left Wokeness, Project Veritas Reveals Dissent Among Warren Campaign | Worried Warren!

Warren Staff EXPOSED Slamming Her Far left Wokeness, Veritas Reveals Dissent Among Warren Campaign. In newly published videos from Project Veritas Elizabeth Waren's staff are overheard discussing her embrace of far left wokeness over kitchen table issues most Americans care about.

The staffer seemed to have similar thoughts to Bill Maher who recently, and several times in the past, criticized Warren and other Democrats for embracing far left wokeness and woke twitter.

Many moderate Democrats have expressed fear and concern for the exact same reasons. Democrats embracing fringe issues from a small activists base is why they lose and will likely lose big in November's 2020 election.

James O'keefe has been slowly releasing videos exposing the staff for many of these campaigns but perhaps this is the first time his expose actually makes the staffer look good to most people. So long as Warren and others continue this we can expect them to get woke go broke.

Coronavirus : The Chinese Virus Scare; Are The Chinese Telling The Truth?

The latest coronavirus outbreak, originating from the Wuhan Province,  is causing increasing panic in public health and the financial markets. The Chinese are building hospitals at the speed of light in attempt to contain the virus, while putting millions under quarantine. What do we know about the latest outbreak and about other previous outbreaks? How much is truth and what is propaganda?

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Voting In A Broken System, The Two-Party Illusion & Tulsi Gabbard

Political Commentator, and self-styled “jagoff nightclub comedian” yet, in truth, one of the most important voices of today in reaching the masses that are still lost to the comforting suffocation of the mainstream propaganda, and that of course is Jimmy Dore explains the Two Party Lobbyist Controlled Politic System We Are Stuck In, And How We Need Change!

Firefighters Join Yellow Vest Movement : Firemen Are Setting Themselves On Fire & Fighting Cops!

Firefighters Battle Police in the Streets of Paris. In other news; Monsanto NOW OWNED BY Bayer- is trying to Settle Cancer Lawsuits.

Women Now Outnumber Men In The Workforce and men Are Taking Traditionally Female Jobs

Are Women the Minority anymore? MAYBE NOT!

Did Soleimani Kill 600 Americans? | Explaining And Debunking American Propaganda

Everyone has heard by now that Soleimani was responsible for 600 American deaths . . . but where does this oddly specific number come from?

Liberal Elites Wants To Be The Privileged! Rich Liberals Protected By Guns...Why Not The Rest Of Us?

Virginia pro-Second Amendment rally shocked the elites to their core. Propagandized by the mainstream media, they expected out-of-control white supremacists but found a peaceful group of all races and orientations.  More importantly, the local government nullification movement is growing like wildfire, with local authorities openly vowing they would not enforce gun laws passed in Richmond that they consider unconstitutional.

Marijuana Distributor Has Been Sentenced To Prison Under Federal Law. | When Is Trump Gonna Let It Up To The States? OR IS TRUMP ALWAYS LYING?

Man Gets Prison: Legal in Michigan but Illegal Under Federal Law - How Trump's Do-Nothing Attitude Is Ruining State Laws & Their Economies.

Uncommon Knowledge - John Stossel Explains How Many Love The NANNY (BIG BROTHER) STATE - But Explains How To Believe In Humanity Instead!

Author and television host John Stossel discusses why Government Fails—but Individuals can Succeed!

Truth Comes Out: Evidence Syria Gas Attack Report Falsified : Trump's Iraq War Is Syria- THE NEW BUSH IS TRUMP!

Former OPCW inspector Ian Henderson testified to the UN Security Council this week that his team's report on the April 2018 alleged gas attack in Douma, Syria, had been falsified at the orders of senior management and perhaps under pressure from the US government. The US mainstream media is silent.